British golf magazine Golf Monthly has reviewed the two new members of the BIG MAX familiy: the Aqua V-1 cartbag and the DriLite G standbag

Here’s what they had to say:

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Golf Monthly review – read it here

Aqua V-1 – Waterproof cartbag keeps your woods in places and leaves a perfect view of all your clubs.

A highlight for Golf Monthly was the 9 waterproof pockets of the Aqua V-1 and the 7 water resistant pockets of the DriLite G. Both bags kept the testers’ mobile phones dry when they put the BIG MAX promise to the test.

The innovative V-Lock technology of the Aqua V-1 is great for when the bag is transported on the golf course, says Neil Tappin, one of the tester. Combined with the Blade Quattro, the bag sits on top really nicely and the clubs are not jiggling a lot and they do not need to be protected by headcovers. This is thanks to the Turn & Lock-Technology of the Aqua V-1. Neil Tappin also emphasizes the oversize putter well, which offers enough space for large putter grips. The 14-way Organizer Top, adds Neil Tappin, has so much space, that you don’t find yourself pulling at the clubs to get them in and out all the time.

The 9 waterproof pockets offer a lot of storage and protection for a comparably small cartbag, assesses the tester.

DriLite G – super light stand bag with ample storage

The DriLite G attracts attention with its modern styling and interesting color combinations and is very lightweight. 7 water resistant pockets protect the tester’s mobile phone and also offer ample storage for a stand bag.

Thanks to the comfortable Air-Channel-Straps and the padding on the bag, the lower bag area is protected and it is easy to carry, says tester Joel Tadman.